Natalia Colombo es ilustradora y diseñadora gráfica. Siempre le gustó dibujar y lo sigue haciendo con lápiz negro, marcadores, birome, papeles, acrílicos o computadora. Ha ilustrado libros de texto y álbumes infantiles que se publicaron en editoriales de Argentina y España. Participa con su obra en diversas exposiciones y concursos. Con su libro “Cerca” ganó el 1º premio internacional Compostela 2008 para Albumes ilustrados.
Natalia Colombo is an illustrator and graphic designer. She has always loved to draw and still does, with black pencil, marker, biro, paper, acrylics or the computer. She has illustrated children’s textbooks and albums that have been published in Argentina and Spain and has participated in various exhibitions and competitions. Her book ‘Cerca’ won 1st prize in the international Compostela award for illustrated albums.